This girl child was born in the the E.S. McClellan home in Hill Community, Coleman County, Texas on March 21, 1905. She was named Lena Eunice McClellan, attended Hill Elementary School, Bethel Baptist Church, and attended and graduated from Coleman High School, Coleman, Texas, May, 1925.
Lena Eunice McClellan attended Southwest Texas Teacher’s College in San Marcos, Texas in 1925-26 and received a two-year teaching certificate. She began her first teaching job in the Fall of 1926 at Hardin School in Coleman, County and continued at that school through 1927. In 1928, Lena Eunice McClellan became a teacher at the Gouldbusk School in Coleman, County and continued there through May. 1933.
On July 18, 1933 Lena Eunice McClellan married Johnny Bowen. In the summer of 1934, a baby boy was born to Lena Eunice (McClellan) and Johnny Bowen, but the baby did not live and was not given a name.
Just one year later, on July 25, 1935, Johnny Bowen died of either the poison from a Black Widow Spider bite or a heat stroke. . . or maybe a combination of both. He was working outside in the July heat, when he was bitten by the spider which caused his death.
Lena Eunice (McClellan) Bowen was attending Howard Payne College, in Brownwood in 1934 and 1935 when her new-born baby, then her husband both died. She did continue to attend college and in May, 1937, graduated with a degree in Elementary Education. She taught in elementary schools in Coleman County and Ellis County, specifically in the Midlothian Elementary School for 18 years. During these 18 years, she was living with he father’s sister, Mollie McClellan, caring for this aged aunt.
In 1970, after the death of her aged aunt, Mollie McClellan, Lena Eunice (McClellan) Bowen retired from teaching and moved back to Coleman, Texas were she lived near her sister Ana Jewel (McClellan) McMinn and brothers, Clyde Newton and Lester Archer McClellan.
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